From the 8th to the 13th of June, the longest tree festival in Lucania, that of Rotonda, comes to life. A rite of total devotion to Saint Anthony of Padua, the town’s patron saint. It is the festival of the ‘pitu’, the ‘rocca’ and the ‘porfiche’. The feast has very deep roots. In fact, following a shipwreck at Capo Milazzo in early 1221, St. Anthony undertook the journey on foot up the peninsula towards Assisi to participate in the General Chapter of the Minors ordered by St. Francis. It is said that during this journey he stopped in the woods of Pollino, spending a night under a fir tree in Marolo. Years later, in the same place, a cowherd stumbled and fell into a ravine. He desperately invoked the name of the Saint, who appeared to him in all his white splendour and saved him. The miraculous man told the valley what had happened and every year he went into the woods with his loved ones to cut down a fir tree and offer it to the Saint as a sign of gratitude, involving more and more people and villagers in this gesture year after year. Since then, nothing has changed: the festival has maintained its charm and customs, offering the same ritual of total devotion to the Saint of Padua. The journey through tradition lasts six days amidst titanic labours, ancient techniques and skills for transporting the plants, strong oxen, prayers, music, dancing, singing and good food.
The actual festival starts on 8 June, but the community waits for it all year round and already in the first days of May the town is in full swing.
On the night between 8 and 9 June, at midnight, the ‘rocca’ group, led by their corporal, gathers in front of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Consolation to invoke Her maternal protection (Patroness of Rotonda), from where they walk to the Terranova di Pollino woods to cut down the ‘rocca’, a silver fir tree previously chosen on the second Sunday in May.
On the morning of the 9th, the groups that make up the ‘pitu’ head up the mountain to the woods in the municipality of Rotonda. Here the large, tall and beautiful beech tree (chosen on the first Sunday in May) is felled. During the day the tree is cleaned of its branches, squared and measured. At the same time, other groups of believers in the Pedarreto area, who have set up camp with large tents, carry out their vows by felling smaller beech trees known as ‘porfiche’, which are then pulled by pairs of oxen to the village.At the same time, other groups of believers in the Pedarreto area, who have set up camp with large tents, carry out their vows by felling smaller beech trees known as ‘porfiche’, which are then pulled by pairs of oxen to the village.
On 10 June, all the ‘pitu’ groups go to an established point to measure the pairs of oxen. This step is essential to establish the order according to the height of the animals so that they do not hurt themselves on the way to the village. The order of the “trizza” is established. The journey through the woods of all the groups towards Piano Pedarreto begins: a melody of hoofbeats, songs and steps in the mud.
On the morning of the 11th, the procession of the “pitu”, the “rocca” and the “porfiche” begins the descent towards Rotonda as far as the locality of “Puzzicelli” where, by now in the evening, all the plants make a stop until the following morning. It is a cheerful and joyful descent, made up of dancing, singing and snacks of local delicacies.
On the morning of the 12th, the procession sets off to the “San Lorenzo” district for the celebration of the Holy Mass. The pairs of oxen are adorned with handmade flower crowns made by the village women. Small perfumed roses and St Anthony’s lilies, which are in full bloom, are used. The pairs of oxen pulling the ‘pitu’ are surmounted by the ‘rocchette’, small ends of fir trees decorated with garlands of coloured paper, skilfully carved by the women. The ‘pitu’ is taken to the municipal house and will rest there until the next day together with the rest of the ‘porfiche’. At the same time, the ‘Rocca’ is taken to the Church of Sant’Antonio for the final blessing and stays there all night.
On the morning of the 13th, the last effort is made in front of the Town Hall. The “pitu” and “rocca” will become a single body. I fedeli preparano la chioma della “rocca” per essere innestata alla “pitu”. This large tree is then lifted by hand, using ropes and large wooden forks. In the afternoon, after the Holy Mass, the Saint is carried in procession through the streets of the village. The faithful are preceded by those carrying the decorated ‘rocchette’ and ‘cinte’.
The promise made to the saint forever and ever is once again fulfilled.


From the 8th to the 13th of June, the longest tree festival in Lucania, that of Rotonda, comes to life. A rite of total devotion to Saint Anthony of Padua, the town’s patron saint. It is the festival of the ‘pitu’, the ‘rocca’ and the ‘porfiche’. The feast has very deep roots. In fact, following a shipwreck at Capo Milazzo in early 1221, St. Anthony undertook the journey on foot up the peninsula towards Assisi to participate in the General Chapter of the Minors ordered by St. Francis. It is said that during this journey he stopped in the woods of Pollino, spending a night under a fir tree in Marolo. Years later, in the same place, a cowherd stumbled and fell into a ravine. He desperately invoked the name of the Saint, who appeared to him in all his white splendour and saved him. The miraculous man told the valley what had happened and every year he went into the woods with his loved ones to cut down a fir tree and offer it to the Saint as a sign of gratitude, involving more and more people and villagers in this gesture year after year. Since then, nothing has changed: the festival has maintained its charm and customs, offering the same ritual of total devotion to the Saint of Padua. The journey through tradition lasts six days amidst titanic labours, ancient techniques and skills for transporting the plants, strong oxen, prayers, music, dancing, singing and good food.
The actual festival starts on 8 June, but the community waits for it all year round and already in the first days of May the town is in full swing.
On the night between 8 and 9 June, at midnight, the ‘rocca’ group, led by their corporal, gathers in front of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Consolation to invoke Her maternal protection (Patroness of Rotonda), from where they walk to the Terranova di Pollino woods to cut down the ‘rocca’, a silver fir tree previously chosen on the second Sunday in May.
On the morning of the 9th, the groups that make up the ‘pitu’ head up the mountain to the woods in the municipality of Rotonda. Here the large, tall and beautiful beech tree (chosen on the first Sunday in May) is felled. During the day the tree is cleaned of its branches, squared and measured. At the same time, other groups of believers in the Pedarreto area, who have set up camp with large tents, carry out their vows by felling smaller beech trees known as ‘porfiche’, which are then pulled by pairs of oxen to the village.At the same time, other groups of believers in the Pedarreto area, who have set up camp with large tents, carry out their vows by felling smaller beech trees known as ‘porfiche’, which are then pulled by pairs of oxen to the village.
On 10 June, all the ‘pitu’ groups go to an established point to measure the pairs of oxen. This step is essential to establish the order according to the height of the animals so that they do not hurt themselves on the way to the village. The order of the “trizza” is established. The journey through the woods of all the groups towards Piano Pedarreto begins: a melody of hoofbeats, songs and steps in the mud.
On the morning of the 11th, the procession of the “pitu”, the “rocca” and the “porfiche” begins the descent towards Rotonda as far as the locality of “Puzzicelli” where, by now in the evening, all the plants make a stop until the following morning. It is a cheerful and joyful descent, made up of dancing, singing and snacks of local delicacies.
On the morning of the 12th, the procession sets off to the “San Lorenzo” district for the celebration of the Holy Mass. The pairs of oxen are adorned with handmade flower crowns made by the village women. Small perfumed roses and St Anthony’s lilies, which are in full bloom, are used. The pairs of oxen pulling the ‘pitu’ are surmounted by the ‘rocchette’, small ends of fir trees decorated with garlands of coloured paper, skilfully carved by the women. The ‘pitu’ is taken to the municipal house and will rest there until the next day together with the rest of the ‘porfiche’. At the same time, the ‘Rocca’ is taken to the Church of Sant’Antonio for the final blessing and stays there all night.
On the morning of the 13th, the last effort is made in front of the Town Hall. The “pitu” and “rocca” will become a single body. I fedeli preparano la chioma della “rocca” per essere innestata alla “pitu”. This large tree is then lifted by hand, using ropes and large wooden forks. In the afternoon, after the Holy Mass, the Saint is carried in procession through the streets of the village. The faithful are preceded by those carrying the decorated ‘rocchette’ and ‘cinte’.
The promise made to the saint forever and ever is once again fulfilled.