The feast of St. Anthony of Padua, today, takes place over a single day during which there is a complex ritual rich in details. The parish priest, having gathered the people of the village and the characters of the ritual on the square in front of the church, blesses the objects used during the procession. Particular attention is paid to the avüièt, the sticks used as a rod by those leading the cart, to the rosettes, to the pole and to the unleavened bread. At the end of the blessing, a procession is formed with the town band at the head, followed by the “massari”, the priors and the parish priest, followed in turn by representatives of the municipal administration and by the cart pulled by a pair of oxen and escorted by two halberdiers. The population that rushes in mass follows the cart. Each villager carries on his chest a red cockade that differs from those of the characters who play an active role only for the smaller size.
The route that winds between the parish church and the small church dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua is marked by seven stages. At each stage the beater, the only one who is always on the wagon together with the driver, puts up the chance to mount the wagon for the next stretch of road. Of all the stages, the sixth one, called “charity”, is the most coveted because at the end of this stretch of road there is the distribution of unleavened bread. The conscripts of the year generally make sure to win the seventh and last leg in order to attend from the wagon to the mass that follows the procession at the country church dedicated to St. Anthony.
After the mass, while the girls distribute the rosettes of the feast, there is the sale of bread marked with the initials of the saint by the Prior. The route is then repeated backwards respecting the same mechanisms of adjudication of the sections by the villagers. The arrival in the town square is marked by the auction of the Prior’s hat and the avüièt.
In the afternoon, a new procession is formed, this time centered on the figure of the Saint, whose statue is carried on the shoulders of the conscripts, preceded by the parish priest, the municipal administration, the musical band and the winners of the hat auction, followed by the population of the town.
The evident contrast of sacred and profane aspects comes to light in different moments of the feast and there are editions in which the clash was evident. The invitation addressed to the population is clearly to be more supportive within the community without being too influenced by the priests (dressed in black) together with the exhortation to celebrate in joy outside the rules of everyday life. The stories handed down orally in the country tell that just after this deplorable speech, during the mass that followed, the stage erected for the festivities and the dances was knocked down by a strong storm! The invitation then not to lose sight of the religious character of the event in favor of the purely profane is the subject of interventions and stresses through the chronicles of the party.


The feast of St. Anthony of Padua, today, takes place over a single day during which there is a complex ritual rich in details. The parish priest, having gathered the people of the village and the characters of the ritual on the square in front of the church, blesses the objects used during the procession. Particular attention is paid to the avüièt, the sticks used as a rod by those leading the cart, to the rosettes, to the pole and to the unleavened bread. At the end of the blessing, a procession is formed with the town band at the head, followed by the “massari”, the priors and the parish priest, followed in turn by representatives of the municipal administration and by the cart pulled by a pair of oxen and escorted by two halberdiers. The population that rushes in mass follows the cart. Each villager carries on his chest a red cockade that differs from those of the characters who play an active role only for the smaller size.
The route that winds between the parish church and the small church dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua is marked by seven stages. At each stage the beater, the only one who is always on the wagon together with the driver, puts up the chance to mount the wagon for the next stretch of road. Of all the stages, the sixth one, called “charity”, is the most coveted because at the end of this stretch of road there is the distribution of unleavened bread. The conscripts of the year generally make sure to win the seventh and last leg in order to attend from the wagon to the mass that follows the procession at the country church dedicated to St. Anthony.
After the mass, while the girls distribute the rosettes of the feast, there is the sale of bread marked with the initials of the saint by the Prior. The route is then repeated backwards respecting the same mechanisms of adjudication of the sections by the villagers. The arrival in the town square is marked by the auction of the Prior’s hat and the avüièt.
In the afternoon, a new procession is formed, this time centered on the figure of the Saint, whose statue is carried on the shoulders of the conscripts, preceded by the parish priest, the municipal administration, the musical band and the winners of the hat auction, followed by the population of the town.
The evident contrast of sacred and profane aspects comes to light in different moments of the feast and there are editions in which the clash was evident. The invitation addressed to the population is clearly to be more supportive within the community without being too influenced by the priests (dressed in black) together with the exhortation to celebrate in joy outside the rules of everyday life. The stories handed down orally in the country tell that just after this deplorable speech, during the mass that followed, the stage erected for the festivities and the dances was knocked down by a strong storm! The invitation then not to lose sight of the religious character of the event in favor of the purely profane is the subject of interventions and stresses through the chronicles of the party.